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  • Associate Professor
  • Human-Machine iNteraction LAB (HUMAN lab)
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
    291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, Korea
  • Office : +82-42-350-3235, Mobile : +82-10-3326-7337
  • Email :, Homepage :



Pursuing intelligent machines that recognize human's condition and events autonomously, the HUMAN lab focuses on the sensory interactions between human and machine through vibration, sound, and optical ways. This includes researches on the mechanical vibration, auditory intelligence, and sensing technology from dynamical systems with applications to event recognition and health monitoring of machines and human body as well. Condition monitoring and fault diagnosis are strongly pursued through the vibration and acoustic domain knowledge with physics-informed machine learning. As an enabling measurement technology, 3D measurement system (Lidar) is developed by using a noble optical scheme for human and machine condition monitoring. All research topics are based on the strong domain knowledges with interdisciplinary approach in vibration, acoustics and optical processing in the time-frequency-model parameter domain along with the state-of-the-art machine learning algorithm as follows:

Vibration Modeling/Analysis

4.pngAs fundamental research, vibration principles focusing on inverse problem, finite element method and experimental modal modeling are studied with emphasize on the modeling and analysis of complex dynamical systems and system identification. This covers Finite modeling updating, sub-structuring and fault identification. This vibration modeling and analysis specialties work as strong domain knowledge in human/machine health monitoring, prognostics and health management (PHM) with a novel high-fidelity digital twin. 

Acoustic Event Recognition

Acoustic Event Recognition 2.png Targeting robust acoustic event detection against harsh listening condition in the real world, we focus on sound classification, localization, and separation with knowledge on the human auditory system and state-of-the-art neural network scheme. We strongly pursue a human-like binaural sound recognition by in-depth functional analysis of human auditory system and HRTF in time-frequency-spatial domain. Machine diagnosis, event detection, health monitoring devices, and auditory system of humanoid robot are major applications.

Biometric Recognition by Human Body Vibration

biometric recognition by human body vibration.png

Non-invasive health monitoring is studied including cardiovascular system (blood pressure), glucose level, and respiratory disease by means of human body sound and vibration characteristics. Intensive coupled-field finite element analysis, bio mimicking prototyping (virtual patient), time-frequency signal analysis and data-driven machine learning modeling schemes are utilized interdisciplinarily. Wearable, non-invasive continuous monitoring, biometric authentication, and glucose sensors are expected outcomes.


3D Shape and Motion Measurement

1.pngNon-contact 3D shape and motion sensors are developed as a building block for the measurement of human and machine conditions. This group's novel optical system and signal processing provide compact, low-cost 3D Lidar system for autonomous vehicles and robots. Precise and robust 3D measurement is the main target. Motion amplifier system is developed for non-contact measurement of vibrations. 3D object detection and human conditions monitoring are major applications combine with 3D AI algorithms.


Structural Vibration and Modal Analysis

Vibration modeling and modal analysis of mechanical systems. Finite element-based structural dynamics analysis. System identification and fault detection. reduced order model and sub-structuring. Random vibration an d experimental modal analysis. Finite element model updating. Coupled-field vibration analysis. Uncertainty qualification in dynamical systems.

AI for Sound and Vibration, Human Perception

CKnowledge-based AI for machine health monitoring by sound and vibration signatures. Event detection utilizing time-frequency features. Data-driven modeling by Physics-informed AI. Human auditory system and HRTF. Human sound analysis for medical applications (cough, heart beat). Human body vibration modeling and biometric authentication. Cardiovascular system vibration analysis and system identification based on coupled field system and ML.

3D Measurement Systems (TOF, LiDAR)

Time-of-Flight (TOF) principles for 3D sensor device. Scanning Lidar for autonomous vehicle and robots. Vision based remote vibration sensing. Motion amplification. AI for 3D scene understanding. Design of micro-opto-electro-mechanical (MOEMS) scanners and optical resonators for imaging and sensor applications. Multi-disciplinary coupled-field vibration modeling and analysis of micro optical systems. Imaging optical systems.



Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST, Research and development of human-machine interacting device and systems. 

12/2021-present Adjunct Professor, Robotics Program, KAIST
9/2017–8/2021 Adjunct Professor, KAIST Institute (KI) for Artificial Intelligent, KAIST
2/2012–8/2016 Research Master, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT), Samsung Electronics, Suwon, Korea. Research and developments of future imaging devices and systems. Conducted 3 commercialization projects utilizing 3D image sensor.
3/2005–1/2012 Principal Engineer, SAIST, Samsung Electronics, Yongin, Korea. Developments of optical resonators for 3D image sensor and resonating MEMS scanner for laser display systems. Research and business development.
7/2003–2/2005 Senior Engineer, Visual Display Division, Samsung Electronics, Suwon, Korea. Development of micro-display devices and next generation Digital Light Processing systems with LED/LD light sources. Contributed to launching LED TV for world-first. Research and business development of new display products
9/2000–6/2003 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Aerospace Eng., University of Colorado at Boulder, supervised by Prof. K. C. Park, Conducted structural dynamics optimization and parallel computing. Coupled field structural dynamic analysis and design of microsystems.
Conducted group research with CAMPmode (Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Packaging of Microwave, Optical, and Digital Electronics for Microstructures), Department of Mechanical Eng., University of Colorado at Boulder, with Prof. K. C. Park, Victor Bright and Prof. Y. C. Lee. Optical & RF resonating MEMS design and multi-disciplinary micro-systems simulation.
9/1999–8/2000 Postdoctoral Research Associate (during military service), Acoustics and Vibration Laboratory, Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science (KRISS), Standardization, system identification, experimental analysis of human body vibration.
3/1991–8/1999 Ph.D and M.S., NOVIC, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST, Taejon, Korea. Structural Dynamics, Vibration and Modal Analysis. System identification.
3/1987–2/1991 B.S., Department of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST, vibration modeling and analysis.


3/1993–8/1999 Ph. D in Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Dissertation: “Optimal Structural Dynamics Modification Using Frequency Response Function Synthesis and Its Applications”, supervised by Prof. Youn-sik Park. Conducted design sensitivity analysis, experimental modal analysis and structural optimization. Accomplished formulation of experimental model-based substructuring and structural parameter identification. 
3/1991–2/1993 M. S. in Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Thesis: “A Study on the String and Beam Vibration Analysis subject to Moving Boundaries Using Wave Propagation Method”, supervised by Prof. Youn-sik Park. Accomplished transient analysis of deploying structural members. Analytical formulation of dynamic behavior of time-varying systems.
3/1987–2/1991 B. S. in Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Qualifying thesis: “Damage Detection Using Gauss Quadrature”, supervised by Prof. Yang-Han Kim. Conducted vibration signature analysis. Signal processing and structural health monitoring.

RESEARCH PROJECTS (책임/공동 과제 총연구비 179.6억원: 2016.8 KAIST부임후 75.6억원)

11/2022-08/2023 LG전자㈜, “전류신호 이미지화 기법을 이용한 컴프레서 저널베어링 마모 진단기술 개발” (연구비 0.8억원)
10/2022-12/2022 한국생산기술연구원, “하모닉 감속기 고장특성 분석” (연구비 0.19억원)
10/2022-11/2022 삼성중공업㈜, “악조건 속에서의 영상 데이터를 이용한 회전체 고장진단” (연구비 0.1억원)
08/2022-11/2022 삼성중공업㈜, “음향 인식 기술 기반 야드/선박 배전반 아크방전 조기 검출 Feasibility Study” (연구비 0.1억원)
08/2022-07/2024 한국동서발전㈜, “인공지능 기반 음향인식 기술을 이용한 수배전반 스마트 안전진단 플랫폼 개발” (연구비 1.9억원)
07/2022-12/2022 KAIST 내부과제, “전류데이터 및 정상데이터 기반 생산설비 모터 AI고장진단 개발” (연구비 0.15억원)
07/2022-09/2022 삼성중공업㈜, “악조건 속에서 전류 다변량 시계열 정상데이터를 이용한 모터 고장진단” (연구비 0.1억원)
06/2022-12/2023 국방과학연구소, “음향진동 자료 기반 인공지능 고장진단체계의 K1 전차 동력장치 진단 연구” (연구비 6.25억원)
06/2022-05/2023 한국전력연구원, “인공신경망 및 전산역학 기반의 풍력 타워 구조 건전성 감시 기법 개발” (연구비 0.5억원)
05/2022-06/2022 삼성중공업㈜, “악조건 속에서의 진동 다변량 시계열 정상 데이터를 이용한 회전체 수명예측” (연구비 0.1억원)
04/2022-03/2023 LS전선㈜, “정상데이터 기반 구동모터 고장진단 기술 개발” (연구비 1.8억원)
03/2022-04/2022 삼성중공업㈜, “악조건 속에서의 진동 다변량 시계열 정상 데이터를 이용한 회전체 고장진단” (연구비 0.1억원)
11/2021-02/2022 삼성중공업㈜, “카메라 진동 특성을 이용한 모션 증폭 알고리즘 개선 기술의 타당성 검증” (연구비 0.1억원)
11/2021-06/2022 KAIST 내부과제, "영구자석 전동기 고장 진단을 위한 고장데이터 구축", (연구비 0.5억원)
07/2021-12/2021 KAIST 내부과제, "진동신호기반 제조설비 이상진단을 위한 모션증폭기술 및 디지털트윈 모델링 기법 개발” (연구비 0.2억원)
04/2021-12/2022 한국조선기자재연구원, "해양수산산업 핵심기자재 국산화 기술개발" (연구비 2억원)
03/2021-02/2026 한국산업기술진흥원(산업통상자원부), "스마트야드 전문인력양성", 2023.3부터 책임교수 (총연구비 24.96억원 중 2023년 이후 15.6억원 포함)
03/2021-12/2022 한국해양과학기술원, "선내 상황 인식을 위한 객체 인식 및 항해장비 정보(화면, 음향) 인식 AI 모델 개발" (연구비 4억원)
12/2020–12/2021 한국조선해양 (KSOE), “선체 블록 정도 고속/고정밀 계측 기술 개발” (연구비 1.0억원)
10/2020–12/2022 한전원자력연료(주), “지진조건을 고려한 제어봉 낙하 모사기술 개발 및 검증” (연구비 3.7억원)
4/2020–7/2020 삼성중공업(주)판교R&D센터, “선박 내 영상 진단 시스템 적용을 위한 배경 진동 제거 알고리즘 발굴” (연구비 0.1억원)
8/2019–12/2022 해양수산부, “연안고립자용 한국형전천후구조보트 개발 (세부과제: 구조자 인식을 위한 영상 알고리듬 개발” (연구비 3억원)
4/2020–11/2021 한전원자력연료(주), “핵연료 내진해석 평가체계 개발 및 검증” (연구비 1.2억원)
2/2020–1/2023 인바디, “오실로메트릭 신호, K-Sound 신호와 심혈관계 파라미터의 상관관계 도출” (연구비 3억원)
6/2020–12/2020 산업통상자원부, “해상 복합 발전 시스템 융합 설계 및 운영 지능화 고급트랙” (총연구비 11억원중 참여 연구비 2억원)
4/2020–7/2020 KAIST 내부과제, “재난 구조를 위한 센서 네트웍 및 AI 기반 상황 인식 기술 개발” (연구비 0.5억원)
6/2019–5/2022 인텍플러스㈜, “초소형 3D 센서 플랫폼 개발” (연구비 3억원)
1/2018–12/2021 과기정통부, “고령 사회에 대응하기 위한 실환경 휴먼케어 로봇기술개발: 세부과제명: 고령자 검출 및 추적/환경 상황단서 인식 개발” Development of 3D scene recognition module and algorithm for silver care robots. (총연구비 10억원중 2억원)
12/2019–8/2020 한국조선해양 (KSOE), “실시간 부재 형상 계측 및 모서리 궤적 자동 추출 기술 개발” Development of high precision 3D fusion sensor for robot automation in the ship construction site of Hyundai heavy industry (연구비 2.4억원)
12/2018–5/2021 한국원자력연구원(KAERI), “원자로집합체 축소모형의 동특성시험 및 모형화 방법 타당성 검증: Modal test of small-sized model for reactor assembly and validation of modeling method” Vibration analysis of new reactor system and development of finite element model. (연구비 3.5억원)
1/2018–12/2020 Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM). “Development of 3D Scene Recognition Solution for Autonomous Working Robot” Development of a compact 3D imagining device and its signal processing scheme for obstacle detection and 3D mapping of autonomous working robot systems in small to medium size factories. (연구비 3억원)
9/2017–12/2019 (주) 성신알에스티, “Development of rail flow detecting car for the monitoring system of rail damage inspection and concrete crack detection module” Experimental vibration analysis and finite element model of new rail investigation car (연구비 1.9억원)
4/2017–2/2020 National Research Foundation (NRF), “Development of 3D Image Sensor for Autonomous Vehicles” Development of a compact and low cost 3D sensor for autonomous vehicles. (연구비 5억원)
1/2019–12/2019 Long-term URP (Undergraduate Research Program), KAIST, “Basic study for the biometric authentication utilizing vibration characteristics of human fingers” Basic study on the human finger vibration characteristics for biometric application of future mobile devices (연구비 4백만원)
1/2019–12/2019 Long-term URP (Undergraduate Research Program), KAIST, “Development of Smart Active Sheet for Deep Sleep” Basic study and prototyping of comport and active bed system for deep sleep based on the sleep science. (연구비 5백만원)
3/2018–10/2018 RED&B, KAIST. “Development and project planning of a core technology used for intelligent robot capable of automatic operation in the small and medium sized factories” Project planning with KIMM engineers for autonomous robot development. (연구비 4천만원)
3/2018–10/2018 URP (Undergraduate Research Program), KAIST, “3D depth method using optical flow” Preliminary study and experiment for new 3D imaging device concept. (연구비 2백만원)
6/2017–12/2017 URP (Undergraduate Research Program), KAIST, “Pre-research for Development of Non-invasive Blood Glucose Level Measurement: Machine Learning Algorithm for Blood Glucose Level and Human Dynamic Modulus” Preliminary study and experiment for new non-invasive glucose sensing device concept based on the vibration signal of human body. (연구비 2백만원)
6/2017–12/2017 K-School 문제중심 융합연구 본과제, KAIST, “Development of Core Technology of Non-invasive, Portable Diabetes Measurement Device” Group research for new non-invasive glucose sensing device concept based on the vibration signal of human body. (연구비 2억원)
1/2017–6/2017 URP (Undergraduate Research Program), KAIST, “Simulation study and verification of distortion-decreased imaging for a robust three-dimensional image sensor” Enhancement of 3D depth algorithm using signal processing considering nonlinearities. (연구비 2백만원)
12/2016–2/2017 K-School 문제중심 융합연구 기획과제, KAIST, “Development of Non-invasive, Portable Diabetes Measurement Device” Research plan of group research for new non-invasive glucose sensing device concept based on the vibration signal of human body. (연구비 2천만원)

Department of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST. “Signal processing of 3D image sensor and search for new compact module for autonomous driving applications” Development of a novel 3D imagining device and its signal processing scheme for obstacle detection and 3D mapping of autonomous robot systems and vehicle applications. (연구비 2억원)

이하 KAIST 부임전 과제

3/2013–6/2016 Device and System Research Center, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics, “Development of 3D Image Sensor for User Recognition in Display System” and “Development of 3D Image Sensor for Autonomous Robot Navigation” Development of next generation-3D imagining device for obstacle detection and indoor 3D mapping of autonomous robot systems for future home applications. (연구비 61억원)
11/2010–2/2013 Device and System Research Center, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics, “Development of 3D Image Sensor for User Recognition in Display System” Development of next generation-3D imagining system for user interface and gesture recognition for IT device applications. (연구비 25억원)
3/2013-2/2014 Device and System Research Center, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics, “능동형 센서 기반 HD급 3D Depth 카메라 개발” 산업융합원천기술 개발사업, 지식경제부 국가과제. 주관기관 참여, 핵심요소기술 개발수행. KETI, 광운대 공동 (참여연구, 총 연구비38억)
1/2008–10/2010 Micro Systems Lab, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics, “Development of 3D Camera” Development of next generation-3D imagining system for consumer camera devices. (연구비 18억원)
1/2007–1/2008 Micro Systems Lab, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics, “Design for Reliability of Scanning Display Device” Development of ultra-small mobile display systems. MEMS resonating mirror design and optimization.
3/2005–1/2007 Micro Systems Lab, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics, “Development of 2D MEMS scanner” Development of MEMS scanning display system. 2D resonating MEMS scanner design and optimization.
8/2004–2/2005 Visual Display Division, Samsung Electronics, “Development of LED based DLP small projector” Conducted joint development with Carl Zeiss, Osram and TI (International Consortium).
4/2004–12/2004 Visual Display Division, Samsung Electronics. Global collaboration with Russian Society of Academy. Initiated Display Technology LAB in Samsung Research Center (SRC) in Moscow. Conduct three oversea outsourcing projects in MEMS display area with Bauman State University in Moscow.
2/2004–2/2005 Visual Display Division, Samsung Electronics, “Development of LED based Digital Light Processing (DLP) Rear Projection TV” Conducted global joint development of next generation DMD package systems in collaboration with Samsung semiconductor division and Texas Instrument. Development of next generation DLP systems (HD3 diamond pixel DMD and its optical module).
1/2002–6/2003 Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, “Optimization of Switching Speed and Actuation Energy of RF MEMS Switches” sponsored by Raytheon. Conduct electro-thermal-fluid-structural coupled analysis of MEMS switch. Design optimization for high-speed, low-loss MEMS switches for RF circuit applications.
10/2000–6/2003 Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, “Dynamics of MEMS resonator for loss modeling and design” sponsored by Coventor Ware Inc. Electro-mechanical coupled modeling for MEMS resonator and filter. Identified energy loss mechanism and improved dynamics characteristics of RF micro resonators by multi-physics micro-system simulation.
9/2000–6/2003 Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, “Modeling, Simulation and Validation of High-Fidelity Structural Dynamical Systems: Partitioned Structural Eigenvalue Analysis” sponsored by NSF-SNL Grant CTS-9732179. Implementation of parallel computation of structural eigenvalue analysis for large-scale and massive computation.
9/1999-8/2000 Acoustics and Vibration Lab, KRISS, “Development of the Human Sensibility Evaluation Simulator” sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Conducted vibration transmission analysis of human body. Performed biodynamic modeling and identification.
9/1999-1/2000 NOVIC, KAIST, “Comparison Study on the Vibration Characteristics of Commercial Engine Blocks and Power-trains” sponsored by Hyundai Motor Company. Performed experimental modal analysis. Conducted FE Model updating and correlation analysis.
9/1998-8/1999 NOVIC, KAIST, “A Study on the Unified Analysis and Design Technique for Low-noise Vibro-acoustic Systems” sponsored by the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF). Conducted structural-acoustic coupling analysis of vehicle interiors. Design optimization.
9/1995-8/1998 NOVIC, KAIST, “Inverse Problem Solvers in Noise and Vibration Engineering: Methods and Applications” sponsored by KOSEF. Conducted indirect force identification, regularization of signatures, and placements of vibration measuring sensors.
9/1992-8/1995 NOVIC, KAIST, “Development of Basic Technologies for Low Noise/Vibration Vehicle Design” sponsored by KOSEF. Conducted FE and experimental modal analysis, FE model updating for white body vehicle. Semi-structural acoustic coupling analysis. Accomplished experimental structural optimization.
4/1993-3/1995 NOVIC, KAIST, “Acceleration Canceling Hydrophone Model Analysis” sponsored by ADD. Developed FE code for modal analysis of piezoceramic-polymer structure with MATLAB. Coupled field analysis of piezoceramic sensor.


2023/Spring ME Co-op VII (INT482, INT495), ME, KAIST - Domestic & International (New)
2023/Spring Mechanical Vibration (ME351), ME, KAIST (Best Lecture Award)
2022/Fall ME Co-op VII (INT482, INT495), ME, KAIST
2022/Spring ME Co-op VI (INT482, INT495), ME, KAIST
2022/Spring Mechanical Vibration (ME351), ME, KAIST
2021/Fall ME Co-op V (INT482, INT495), ME, KAIST
2021/Spring ME Co-op IV (INT482, INT495), ME, KAIST
2021/Spring Mechanical Vibration (ME351), ME, KAIST (Best Lecture Award)
2021/Spr.~present Artificial Intelligence in Mechanical Engineering (KAIST-MOOC), ME, KAIST: Newly established course
2020/Fall ME Co-op III (INT482, INT495), ME, KAIST
2020/Spring ME Co-op II (INT482, INT495), ME, KAIST
2020/Spring Artificial Intelligence in Mechanical Engineering (ME491), ME, KAIST: Newly established course
2019/Fall Vibration in Linear System (ME551), ME, KAIST
2019/Fall Capstone Design II (ME401), ME, KAIST
2019/Fall ME Co-op I (INT482, INT495), ME, KAIST: Newly established course
2019/Spring Vibration in Linear System (ME551), ME, KAIST
2019/Spring Capstone Design I (ME400), ME, KAIST
2018/Fall Renewable Ocean Energy System (ME597), ME, KAIST
2018/Fall Capstone Design II (ME401), ME, KAIST
2018/Fall Engineering Design (ME340), ME, KAIST
2018/Spring Capstone Design I (ME400), ME, KAIST
2018/Spring Mechanical Vibration (ME351), ME, KAIST
2017/Fall Capstone Design II (ME401), ME, KAIST
2017/Fall Engineering Design (ME340), ME, KAIST
2017/Spring Capstone Design I (ME400), ME, KAIST
2017/Spring Mechanical Vibration (ME351), ME, KAIST
2016/Fall Dynamics (ME251), ME, KAIST
2017-2020 3 Undergraduate Research Program (URP490) and 2 Long-term URP, ME KAIST
2016-2020 47 Individual Study (ME495), ME KAIST
2003/Spring Computational Methods in Dynamics, Aerospace Eng. Sciences, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, partial participation.



1/2023 Source Localization and Sound Event Detection for Humanoid Robots, Tohoku Univ.
7/2022 High Fidelity Digital Twin - Structural Vibration and System Identification for Fault Diagnosis, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder
2/2022 KAIST Research Overview for Jabra-KAIST Collaboration, GN Audio, INC (Jabra, Denmark)
10/2020 AI for Sound and Vibration: Cough Detection Camera (CNN); Person Identification using Finger Vibration (SVM), 2020 CAV workshop, Penn State Univ.
10/2020 Noise and Vibration Researches at NOVE, KAIST, 2020 CAV workshop, International Liaison Talks, Penn State Univ.
11/2019 Health Sensor Application using Human Vibration (invited talk), APVC 2019, Sydney, Australia
4/2018 Coupled Field Vibration Analysis of Bio-systems for Non-invasive Measurement of Biomarkers, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, USA
11/2017 Voice Recognition with Acoustic Metamaterial, DTU, Denmark.
12/2016 Machines Interacting with Human by 3D Recognition, ITB, Indonesia
9/2018 A Wearable Non-invasive Glucose Sensor Utilizing Coupled field Vibration Analysis, International Workshop on Micro/Nano-engineered Smart Sensors & Devices, KAIST
2/2009 Acoustic Recognition: Smart Transducers and Artificial Intelligence, KAIST-DTU Joint Workshop, ME KAIST
9/2018 Speech separation in cocktail party under reverberant environment, 2018 KAIST-KTH Joint Workshop on Vibro-acoustics, ME KAIST
9/2018 Human-related Parameter Identification via Vibration Signal Processing for Health Sensor Applications, 2018 KAIST-KTH Joint Workshop on Vibro-acoustics, ME KAIST
10/2017 Human Machine Interaction, KAIST-ITB Joint Workshop, ME KAIST


02/2023 진동, 음향, 이미지 데이터를 이용한 AI 기반 이상진단 및 응용, ㈜LIG넥스원
01/2023 자율주행용 Lidar 및 디지털헬스 기술 -        “카이스트 최고 교수들의 CES 2023 트렌드 대해부”, 한국경제신문사
10/2022 제조 지능화와 안전을 위한 첨단 3D 시각 및 음향 센서 (포스코 석좌 포럼), ㈜포스코
08/2022 컴프레서 고장진단 기술, LG 전자
08/2022 Binaural Source Localization and Sound Event Detection for Humanoid Robot (소음진동공학회 인공지능 여름강좌 “소리를 보다”), 한국소음진동공학회
03/2022 모터 고장진단 기술, LG 전자
11/2021 첨단 3D 시각 센서 및 청각 센서 (국방부 고위공무원 미래국방전략 혁신과정), 국방부/을지연구소
11/2021 인간-기계 상호작용 (중소기업 R&D 공유센터 기술발표회 2차), 4대 과기원 공동 - 중소기업 R&D 공유센터
9/2021 음향인식기술, ㈜ARE
9/2021 인간-기계 상호작용 (중소기업 R&D 공유센터 기술발표회 1차), 4대 과기원 공동 - 중소기업 R&D 공유센터
9/2021 음향 기반 고장진단기술, 삼성중공업(선박해양연구소)
8/2021 미래 진동음향기반 측정, 진단, 인식 기술 (삼성중공업 기술개발본부 세미나), 삼성중공업(주)
7/2021 진동음향기반 고장진단 세미나, 생산기술연구원
2/2021 인체의 음향, 진동 인식 기술, 대한기계학회 인공지능연구회 winter school.
4/2020 CES 2020를 통해 바라본 첨단기술 및 산업 동향, ME, KAIST
2/2019 CES 2019를 통해 바라본 첨단기술 및 산업 동향, 기계연구원(KIMM)
2/2019 CES 2019기술 동향, KAIST 기계공학과 교수 워크샵 (AMEC)
6/2017~6/2019 모드해석 산학협동공개강좌 (진동기본이론 및 구조진동해석), NOVIC, KAIST
11/2018 Machines Interacting with Human by 3D Recognition, 전자통신연구원(ETRI)
10/2018 인간의 청각을 모사한 음성인식 기술 및 미래 연구 과제, 서울대의과대학
8/2018 Fundamentals of Vibration and Acoustics for Audiology, 서울대의과대학
6/2018 Machines Interacting with Human by 3D Recognition, ㈜Intekplus
6/2018 Machines Interacting with Human by 3D Recognition, 한국표준과학연구원(KRISS)
6/2017 Human-Machine Interaction-미래 기술 소개, 유신고등학교
11/2016 로봇에 관한 나의 꿈에 대하여, 착한과학연구소
11/2016 3D Image Sensor for Human–Machine Interaction, 한국항공우주연구원 (KARI)
8/2018 미래 기술 소개, 과학영재캠프 특강, KAIST 과학 영재 교육원
5/2017 Machines Interacting with Human by 3D Recognition, Invited Colloquium, CT, KAIST
10/2016 달리는 마우스에 우리 꿈 싣고서, 그리고 로봇에 관한 나의 꿈에 대하여, MR KAIST
3/2019 CES 2019를 통해 바라본 첨단기술 및 산업 동향, 기계항공초청세나, ME, KAIST
3/2018 CES 2018을 통해 바라본 첨단기술 및 산업 동향, 기계항공초청세나, ME, KAIST
10/2016 Machines Interacting with Human: 3D Image Sensor, NOVIC KAIST
2/2012 최신 음향, 진동 연구 동향, KAIST 소음진동연구센터 워크샵 등 2회
11/2011 마이크로시스템과 Image Science, 경희대 응용과학대학 융복합 워크샵
2/2011-10/2013 이미지센서 기술 및 응용, 삼성전자 첨단기술연수원 전문가교육과정, 총9회
2008-2015 마이크로시스템과 Image Sensor응용, 사업화 전략, 삼성전자 각사업부 대상, 20여회
5/2014 KAIST 멘토링콘서트, KAIST 총동문회 주관, 대기업부문 진로 멘토


위원장 KAIST 기계공학과 산학협력위원회, 2017.7-present
핵심교수 /겸임교수 KAIST Institute for AI (인공지능연구소), 2017.9-present
위원 KAIST AI 연구허브 구축 기획위원회, 2020.8-2020.12
위원 제조빅데이터 AI 슈퍼컴퓨터센터 설립위원회, 2019.8-2020.7
위원 AI 대학원 설립추진위원회, 2018.6-2020.6
위원 KAIST 기계공학과 학생위원회, 2017.7-2018.12
Associate Editor JMST Advances, 2018-present
Editorial Board International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing (IJPEM), 2017-2018
Conference Chair SPIE Photonics West, MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems, 2013-present.
Local Org. Chair International Conference of Motion and Vibration Control (MOVIC), 2017-2018
Scientific Committee Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference (APVC), 2019-present
Program Committee International Meeting on Information Display (IMID), 2006
사업이사/편집이사 대한기계학회 동역학 및 제어 부문, 2016-present
이사 대한기계학회 인공지능연구회, 2020-present
이사/조직위원장 한국창의응용학회, 2017-present
편집위원/평의원 한국소음진동공학회, 2017-present
Executive TRIZ Association of Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, 2010.1-present
International Expert TRIZ Expert Level 2, International TRIZ Association, 2008-present
Lifetime Member The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE)
Lifetime Member Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME)
Lifetime Member Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering (KSNVE)
Member Acoustical Society of Korea (ASK)


2020.11.6. ~ 2021.1.5. 성오정밀 : 데이터 인프라 구축 AI 컨설팅 및 AI 솔루션 실증지원
2020.10.8. ~ 2020.12.7. ㈜ 동아엔지니어링: 데이터 인프라 구축 AI 컨설팅 및 AI 솔루션 실증지원
2020.9.5. ~ 2021.1.31. 언배리어 (카입) : 수어통역웨어러블기기 신호처리 및 센서 자문
2020.9.4. ~ 2020.12.31. (주)에스엔, 남동발전: EES 음향을 이용한 고장 진단
2020.9.1. YTN : 열화상카메라 온도측정 자문
2020.11.27. 천문연 : 달 탐사선 Light Field 카메라 설계 검토
2020.4.16. ~ 2020.7.15. 삼성중공업(판교): 선박 내 영상 진단 시스템의 배경 진동 제거 알고리즘
2019.9.1. ~ 2019.12.31. 한국조선해양 : 선체 블록 정도 고속/고정밀 계측 기술 개발 타당성 검토
2019.10.1. ~ 2020.1.31. 한국조선해양 : 신성장동력 혁신 기술발굴
2019.7.18 ~ 7.19. 삼성중공업 (거제): 미래 과제 도출 워크샵 및 기술 자문
2019.11.30. ㈜스카이시스 : 영상의 진동문제 해결
2019.3.27. 현대중공업 : 용접 작업장의 진동문제 해결
2019.4.16. LG 이노텍 : 카메라기술 외부전문가 인터뷰
2018.7.11. ~ 7.13. ㈜크롬 :  벤쳐기업 기술 자문 2회, 인체진동 측정센서자문
2018.6.18. ㈜인텍플러스: 3D Sensing 분야 최신 기술 자문


Best Paper Award The Acoustic Society of Korea, 2019 Fall Conference, Nov 8, 2020
Best Paper Award The Korean Society for Mechanical Engineering, 2019 Fall Conference, Jeju Korea, Nov 15, 2019
Best Paper Award The Acoustic Society of Korea, 2019 Fall Conference, Pyungchang Korea, Nov 6, 2019

삼성전자 혁신 특허상 (CTO 표창)

Samsung Electronics (Annual), Jan 5, 2014
Best Paper Award The Society of Micro and Nano Systems, K-MEMS Conference, Jeju Korea, April 4, 2013
Best Paper Award SPIE Photonics West, MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems Conference, San Francisco, USA, Jan 25, 2012
삼성전자 가치혁신상 (CEO 표창) Samsung Electronics (Annual), Nov 28, 2011
삼성학회 논문상, 은상 (CTO 표창) Samsung Electronics (Annual), Nov 7, 2011
삼성전자 혁신 특허상 (CTO 표창) Samsung Electronics (Annual), Jan 5, 2010
Frontier Project Award (사업부장 표창) Samsung Electronics (Annual), Jan 9, 2009


Research Master Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics. 2/2012-7/2016
Fellowship Oversea post-doctoral fellowship of Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF) 9/2000-8/2001.
Fellowship Supporting program for future researchers of Korea Research Foundation (KRF), 9/1998-8/1999.


Supervisor KAIST Micro Robot (MR) Research Association (2017-present)
Supervisor KAIST Research Associate for Creationism and Science (RACS) (2017-present)
Representative Graduate student’s organization of NOVIC, KAIST (1995)
Chairman Student session of the first Korea-Japan Symposium of Frontiers in Vibration Science and Technology (9/1998)
Championship KAIST Open Tennis Tournament, Double match. (5/2000)
Championship KAIST Open Tennis Tournament, Single match. (10/1996)
Voluntary Service Served as a phone counselor in Life Line at KAIST (사랑의전화 상담, 3/1997-8/1999)
Representative Research Associate for Creationism and Science (RACS, 6/1994-8/1999)
Executive member Graduate Students Organization of KAIST (3/1991-8/1991)
Representative KAIST Mechanical Engineering Student Association (1988-89)
Representative KAIST Micro Robot (MR) Research Association (3/1989-2/1990)


2020.8.3  딥러닝 기반의 기침인식 카메라 (Deep Learning-based Cough Detection Camera)
  KBS, MBC, JTBC, YTN, 연합신문, 영국 Daily Mail등 국내외 TV, 신문, 유투브 채널 70여건.


Fluent English, Intermediate Japanese, Abundant global experiences in technical & business collaborations.